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May 24, 2022
8 mins

Empowering Steps: Positively Transforming Your Online Preneed Sales Funnel for Funeral Homes


Hello again, digital pioneers of the funeral industry! Today we're stepping up our game, diving headlong into the intricacies of the online preneed sales funnel. You read that correctly—a funnel for preneed sales, in all its technical glory. We're also revisiting some high-impact strategies to make this funnel not just functional but phenomenal. So, grab your cuppa, settle in, and let's get technical.

The Digital Preneed Sales Funnel: An Overview

For the uninitiated, a sales funnel maps the journey from when a consumer first becomes aware of your service to the moment they make a purchase—and potentially beyond. It often follows the AIDA model: Awareness, Interest, Decision, and Action. But for preneed services, it's not that straightforward. This is a delicate industry, and your sales funnel needs to reflect that.

Awareness: Gentle Outreach

For preneed services, awareness often starts with education. Whether it's informational articles or insightful webinars, your content should gently nudge potential customers into acknowledging the importance of preplanning. Aim to become a thought leader in your niche. Make your content shareable, and you're already on the path to increasing your reach.

Interest: Nurturing through Interactivity

Interactive quizzes or financial calculators can be game-changers here. These tools can help people identify their needs and offer an immediate, personalised solution, leading them further down the funnel. Email marketing can also play a crucial role at this stage. Develop a series of emails that educate and nurture your leads—always with a touch of empathy, of course.

Decision: Strategic Partnerships and Virtual Experiences

Your leads are interested; now, it's time to make them choose you over competitors. Strategic partnerships with influencers in related fields can tip the balance in your favour. Offering virtual reality previews of your services could add that extra layer of engagement that's so vital at this stage.

Action: One-Click and Done

Make the purchasing process as seamless as possible. No one wants to jump through hoops, especially for something as emotionally charged as a preneed service. Offer easy payment plans and ensure your checkout process is quick and straightforward.

Advanced Tactics for Each Funnel Stage

1. Leveraging Machine Learning for Personalisation

Consider using machine learning algorithms to personalise your potential customers' experiences. From customised quiz paths to smart content recommendations, the more tailored the journey, the more likely they are to convert.

2. Implementing Behavioural Email Targeting

Utilise behavioural triggers from your website to inform your email marketing. For instance, if someone spends a lot of time reading about eco-friendly funeral options, your follow-up emails should contain content along those lines.

3. Using Predictive Analytics for Gentle Remarketing

Predictive analytics can tell you when people are most likely to engage with your service. Use this information for your gentle remarketing campaigns, timing them when your leads are most receptive.

4. Geo-Targeted Offers

Especially useful for larger funeral homes with multiple locations, geo-targeting can make your offers more relevant to local audiences.

5. Members-Only Webinars and Consultations

Double down on that Members-Only Knowledge Hub by hosting exclusive webinars or offering free one-on-one consultations. You're not just selling a service; you're offering peace of mind, which has immeasurable value.

Conclusion: The Balance of Tech and Touch

So there you have it—a deep dive into a technically-sound, emotionally-respectful preneed sales funnel. At 3WH, we believe in this balance between technological sophistication and the human touch. Because at the end of the day, we're dealing with something profoundly sensitive, aren't we?

Ready to redefine your online preneed sales strategy? Reach out, and let's make sure this sales funnel isn't just another tool, but a seamless extension of your compassionate services.

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